Sunday, September 25, 2011

New additions in the Fiedler house!!!

Last Thursday was an eventful day in our house! The season premier of Grey's Anatomy was coming on. I am a HUGE fan, so I was excited to watch it. We also have Awana on Thursday from 6:30-8 and I am a listener there so I am there from 6-8. Emma earned her first book and vest and Grace earned her Cubbie book! Yay girls!! Emma was VERY excited to get her vest, and when she found out she would need to wait for it to come in, you can imagine the meltdown that followed! Grace was ecstatic to have her new book and just wanted to look at it. I wanted them to get home and go to bed so I could watch Grey's! The last week or so I havent been feeling the greatest. I ended up in the walk-in with chest pain one day and have been dealing with a cough and just general achiness. So I am sure you can imagine the chaos in my house! I managed to get the girls home and in bed by just a couple minutes after 8 and settled down to watch Grey's. I have been off of birth control for about 10 months, so when I go to the Dr, the first question I get is, "could you be pregnant?" the answer frequently ended up being I dont know. As a result the last time I was at the walk-in they wouldnt put me on antibiotics until I knew for sure. I called Aaron right after I sat down and asked him to pick me up a test just to make sure I wasnt then I was heading in Friday morning to ask for antibiotics to try to clear up whatever was going on with me. After waiting another 1 1/2 hours (in which I nearly peed my pants!!) Aaron came home with a test. I rushed to the bathroom to take the test. At first glance, it was negative. As I leaving the bathroom I went to toss the test and realized...... there was a +!! I called Aaron in to make sure I wasnt seeing things. His reaction was hilarious! The lines were not the same shade of darkness (which they do not need to be!), so he didnt believe it. I took another one in the morning and then headed to the fastcare for confirmation. Its official! The newest member of the Fiedler house will make his/her appearance the end of May or beginning of June!

I am a mix of emotions (and nausea!) right now. I am VERY happy to be having another. I have felt strongly for about a year that I wanted another child. Part of me is sad to know this will be my last. Part of me is scared to have another child that could be on the spectrum, but I firmly believe God would NEVER give me more than I can handle! I have an amazing God who will take all my troubles and carry the burdens so I dont need to! Overall, however, I am ecstatic! I had a blast telling everyone about it! I am definitely not one who can wait several months before sharing the news! I think the best reaction I got was from my mom. She is on a trip and I insisted she call me, I wouldnt e-mail her, so when she called I told her I had her anniversary present. There was a split second of silence and then she put it together right away! Aside from the morning sickness with my second child, I have always loved being pregnant and have been very blessed with 2 easy births!

The one concern I have is how crazy our lives are over the next year. Grace has started therapy at a new place, she starts school in a month, and in Feb. Congo comes home! Emma is in school and adjusting to a new and much busier schedule. I am looking into finishing my last year of school! I have made some great friends since moving here, and I am happier here than I have been anywhere else we have lived. I know that I have friends I can turn to, and I definitely feel my relationship with God and grown and been challenged since moving here also. Even though there are some scary things going on, the good DEFINITELY outweighs the bad! I cant wait to see all the things that are going on! I look forward to sharing them with you as we go through them!

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