Monday, November 30, 2015

Kindness elves, what?

So, I have recently decided to allow myself to get sucked into the elf world! Who can resist them? Their cute, their fun, and they may make your life a mess if you forget to move them! In our home we have had the Santa fight many times. I grew up believing in Santa, and my husband did not. SO..... we compromised and Santa visits us ;) Like many moms, I fight the greed and idea of presents with trying to teach the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus!

SO we are trying a new idea this year! Instead of the Elf on the Shelf, which I agree with others is a little creepy but cute looking, with kindness elves! For more of the birth of these little guys, check out their facebook page here. Needless to say, its a pretty cool idea. Instead of focusing on being tattled on for bad behavior, they encourage your children to show acts of kindness! We are desperately working on kindness in our home, and I thought this would be a fun way to act it out! So, our elves should show up this week and will make a great entrance! I wont lie, my first letter is completely copied from the internet and the rest may be too, after all I am a working mom. I thought this would be a fun and easy way to update you on our elves and their progress each day! Stay tuned :)

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