Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 2-3

The morning started out very difficult for Grace! Our internet was not working and so she couldn't watch cartoons on the computer she likes to watch. I will say she did do a good job of telling me why she was upset. She was much more verbal about her frustrations instead of just screaming. I cant say if that was the medication, or she just chose to tell me. She went swimming with her sister in the morning and the two of them had the pool to themselves and loved it! She did still do a lot of hitting throughout the day, and we still had a couple good sized meltdowns. She seemed a little tired today and also was thirsty. Her naps were still normal length. She got very clingy during children's church while we were at church in the evening. That is very unusual for her! She LOVES to go to children's church and normally all through the worship service she asking over and over if it is time to go yet. She played a V-Reader during worship (actually kept her pretty calm and contained!) but then got sad after and wanted me to stay in children's church with her. I was able to sneak out about 10 minutes into it and she was fine. Bedtime was VERY hard as we lost her sippy cup somewhere between our house and church, but again, I did notice while she still got very upset she was much better about verbally telling me why. Tomorrow will be another day!

Since it is about 15 minutes till her bedtime and I just finished our day yesterday, I may as well add today! She had a pretty rough day. Her aggression has actually seemed to increase :( Although she also goes through spurts when she does get more aggressive, and the last few weeks she has been escalating a lot with her behaviors! She was definitely tired today, and that may also contribute to her frustration. Congo has been wanting to be around her when she is upset, but he desperately needs to get some more training in him (which shouldn't be the case had he been trained like he was supposed to have been trained in the first place! That however, is a whole different story!). She fell asleep in the car today, and took a full 2 hour nap at home. I am also seeing an increase in some of her obsessive behaviors. Again to early to tell what from! On a good note (great note even!) she chose not to get another sippy cup like her green one (that cup has been her security and calming tool since she was about 6 months old!!) and instead picked out a totally different cup! She is upset because it "stinks" (which really means it doesn't stink like nasty milk!), but she is so far still using it, we will see what happens at bedtime! She has always preferred latex over silicone, and so this is the first time she is willingly using a silicone sippy cup! That to me is a huge step! Having Emma here this weekend we expected to see a lot more behaviors out of her. I think the big test will be this week and seeing how she does!

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