Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Days 5-6 and a little surprise!

Today has been an amazing day! I had several awesome God moments today I will share in another post. Grace seemed less tired today, she definitely had some off the wall moments! She has been showing an increase in her use of words, but still had some very unprovoked hitting. Overall, I am noticing an improvement in her behavior.

We are still seeing a lot of hyper activity but found out some super interesting news today! Grace has hypothyroidism! It was brought up about 2 months ago that it was a possibility, but she needed to be tested over the course of several weeks (it ended up being one test, another 3 weeks later and a third test 4 weeks after that). The symptoms of that are typically extreme tiredness and just an overall crappy feeling. Because Grace is kind of a unique case, they think she may just react differently to it instead of being tired (although we are now suspecting maybe her over activity may be a result of over tiredness!) and she certainly feels crappy pretty often! My mother has the same problem (no its not genetic because I am adopted!) and was diagnosed at 14. She was able to tell me about how she felt before she got diagnosed herself. I do not yet know how this will interact with the guanfacine, it seems they may clash with each other as each medication does pretty much the complete opposite thing! We will be meeting with a pediatric endocrinologist, but cant get in until October or November! Thankfully, our pediatrician is contacting them to get the information in order to get her started on the medication now instead of having to wait that long! It certainly puts a twist on our trial of guanfacine! We may need to take her off of it so that we are able to see how the thyroid medication affects her and be able to tell which medication is doing what! I am praising God to have found this out because I feel there is a correlation between her heart, GI issues, and this! Thank you Jesus for Dr. Brown who was the first to put these pieces together!!

1 comment:

  1. If you have to take her off the guanfacine, I wouldn't sweat it, you can go back on later if needed once the thyroid is regulated...the thyroid is critical to so many body processes that I really believe it trumps the guanfacine trial right now. Maybe you will do the thyroid and find out she doesn't need the other. Will be watching you eagerly!
