Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mommy's week off :)

It has been a while since I have posted, lots has been going on! I will start with the FANTASTIC 3 days and 2 nights I had without my children! I was struggling a LOT the week before the trip, but as always God knew just what I needed! I was listening to Focus on the family and they were talking about the importance of not letting your kids become your whole life. If you are like me and your kids often become the center of your life, I highly recommend listening to this. It put into perspective to me that it was important that I take that step and walk away for a few days! So what did I do? What any other mother would do who needed a few days away.... I went camping with the youth at our church! I love to camp and my husband and I haven't been able to go since Grace was born. SO my sister-in-law came to stay with my girls and I got away. It was a great time away and forced retreat since there was little to no cell service there. We went tubing and kayaking and I got a chance to get to know some great kids! The best part was, no diapers, no crying, no on waking me up at the crack of dawn, and NO dealing with autism! No convincing people she had it, or working on new treatment ideas, or talking with therapists, or discussing her meltdowns over dinner, or even rejoicing over the happy moments either. It was a complete break! I think when you have a child that requires more attention or has more needs it is SO easy to allow our identities to become completely wrapped up in them! The more attention that child needs, the less we feel we are able to get away. If nothing else, I have learned the opposite is true! It becomes that much MORE important to get that break, or else soon you will be so consumed with needing to care for others you quickly spiral into a vicious cycle of being to tired to care for yourself properly OR your kids properly! So how do you keep that from happening? Well, its way easier said than done! We are still working on that answer! What are your suggestions?

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