Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The S word?

Its almost that time.... school! Emma is going to be in Kindergarden. She went to preschool last year, but she went between her dad and I so it was somewhat scattered. She is going to kindergarden here this year and it is the first time she is in real full-time school! I am excited and nervous about it. I am excited for her to get to be around lots of kids her age, but a little worried about some of the habits she will pick up. This will also be all day school so it will be interesting to see how she does with that. Grace is also starting school this year as well! I am losing both girls at the same time. Grace is starting special ed 4 mornings a week. I am a little excited and a lot nervous about that! I am waiting to hear from the school if we can actually start her at the same time as Emma (normally she would start the week before she turns 3 which is the end of October). Given some of the recent behaviors we have seen, I am very concerned about her adjusting to Emma going to school then also having to readjust when she starts to go to school. Emma will also be gone a couple weeks right before school starts so this also has a big impact on Grace's behavior. I dont know what the state laws are so, they Grace may have to wait, but it is my hope to start them all at once! Emma's Nana is a child's advocate for the state so I am lucky in that area I do have her to help me out and answer questions for me and let me know what laws are. We have been seeing a lot of anxiety and OCD tendencies beginning in her. I am going to be trying to get in touch with a neuropsychologist and see if they can come up with some new ideas for us. Grace has come such a long way, but we are kind of stuck in a rut right now and need to come up with some new ideas! Do you have ways of getting out of a rut when you feel stuck with your kids?

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